Thursday, August 9, 2007

Why do I love Economics?

Just glance at a selection of titles from the new NBER papers. Exotic places, interesting questions and all possible themes. The list starts with a Robert Lucas' paper and closes with one titled: "From "White Christmas" to Sgt. Pepper". Amazing, isn't it?

1. Trade and the Diffusion of the Industrial Revolution
by Robert E. Lucas, Jr. #13286 (EFG)

2. Island Matching
by Dale T. Mortensen #13287 (EFG)

3. Misallocation and Manufacturing TFP in China and India
by Chang-Tai Hsieh, Peter J. Klenow #13290 (EFG PR)

6. Why Don't Inventors Patent?
by Petra Moser #13294 (DAE PR)

7. Employment, Innovation, and Productivity: Evidence from Italian Microdata
by Bronwyn H. Hall, Francesca Lotti, Jacques Mairesse #13296 (IO PR LS)

9. Many Children Left Behind? Textbooks and Test Scores in Kenya
by Paul Glewwe, Michael Kremer, Sylvie Moulin #13300 (ED POL)

10. Spatial Growth and Industry Age
by Klaus Desmet, Esteban Rossi-Hansberg #13302 (EFG PR)

12. The Power of TV: Cable Television and Women's Status in India
by Robert Jensen, Emily Oster #13305 (LS)

13. Wage and Productivity Premiums in Sub-Saharan Africa
by Johannes Van Biesebroeck #13306 (LS PR)

14. From "White Christmas" to Sgt. Pepper: The Conceptual Revolution in Popular Music
by David Galenson #13308 (LS)

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