I am teaching a course at UCB on the use of microeconometric tools (RCT, IV, Dif-in-Difs, PSM...) on regional policy evaluation. The textbooks are Introduction to Econometrics (Stock & Watson) and "Mostly Harmless Econometrics" (Angrist & Pischke).
This is the reading list:
This is the reading list:
ANGRIST, J.; PISCHKE, J. S. The Credibility Revolution in Empirical Economics: How Better Research Design Is Taking the Con out of Econometrics. Journal of Economic Perspectives, v. 24, n. 2, p. 3–30, 2010.
BURSZTYN, L.; COFFMAN, L. C. The Schooling Decision: Family Preferences, Intergenerational Conflict, and Moral Hazard in the Brazilian Favelas. Journal of Political Economy, v. 120, n. 3, p. 359 - 397, 2012. (Não é regional, mas é muito bom mesmo e eu precisava de um texto de randomized control trial).
BUSILLO, F.; MUCCIGROSSO, T.; PELLEGRINI, G.; TAROLA, O.; TERRIBILE, F. Measuring the effects of European regional policy on economic growth: a regression discontinuity approach. . [S.l.]: Working Paper. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 ago. 2012. , 2010.
CHAGAS, A. L. S.; TONETO, R.; AZZONI, C. R. A Spatial Propensity Score Matching Evaluation of the Social Impacts of Sugarcane Growing on Municipalities in Brazil. International Regional Science Review, v. 35, n. 1, p. 48–69, 2012
CRISCUOLO, C.; MARTIN, R.; OVERMAN, H.; REENEN, J. VAN. The causal effects of an industrial policy. . [S.l.]: National Bureau of Economic Research. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 21 ago. 2012. , 2012.
FALCK, O.; FRITSCH, M.; HEBLICH, S. Bohemians, human capital, and regional economic growth. [S.l.]: CESifo, Center for Economic Studies; Ifo Institute for economic research, 2009.
FALCK, O.; HEBLICH, S.; KIPAR, S. Local industrial policies difference-in-differences evidence from a cluster-oriented policy. 36th annual conference of EARIE (European association for research in industrial economics) in Ljubljana, Slovenia, in September. Anais... [S.l: s.n.]. Disponível em: . Acesso em: 16 ago. 2012. , 2009.
NUNN, N. The Long-Term Effects of Africa’s Slave Trades. Quarterly Journal of Economics, v. 123, n. 1, p. 139–176, 2008.
RESENDE, G. M. Measuring Micro- and Macro-Impacts of Regional Development Policies: The Case of the Northeast Regional Fund (FNE) Industrial Loans in Brazil, 2000–2006. Regional Studies, n. Forthcoming, p. 1-19, 2012.